Load the weight according to plan. Adjust the distance of the foot platform slightly lower than the start position. Lay down on the back support. Position your feet about shoulder width apart in the middle of the platform. Toes are pointing slightly outwards. This foot position puts the load both on the front of the thighs and the buttocks
Start Position
Activate the core. Press the feet against the platform to engage the muscles of the buttocks and on the front of your thighs. Push the platform a bit up to release it from the fixation. In the start position, the knees should not be locked out
Bend the knees and hips. This makes the platform moving down and toward your buttocks
End Position
Let the platform move down until the knees past the hips. This makes the angle in the knees about ninety degrees or a bit less. Hold this position for a moment
Press the feet into to platform. Engage the buttocks to move it back up. Extend the hips and knees
Back to the start position. Repeat for the planned number of times
Get strong legs. Strength for leg push and hip extension movements. Strengthen the buttocks, legs, core and back, primarily the quadriceps on the front of the thighs and gluteal muscles at the buttocks