Shoulder Width Chin-Up Fit Drills Exercise


For this exercise you need a horizontal bar, rafter or similar structure where you can pull yourself up with the palms of your hands facing you

Start Position

Hanging from the bar or rafter with the palms of the hands facing you and about shoulder width apart or slightly wider. Thighten the grip on the bar. Pull the shoulders back and down to activate the back muscles. Alternatively the start position can be from a full stretch of the back muscles for each repetition


Bend the arms to pull yourself up. Activate the abdominals to keep the core stable

End Position

Pull the body over the bar or rafter to sternum height


Straighten the arms again to let the body down


Back to the start position. Repeat for the planned number of times


Build a strong upper body. Strength for pull movements with the arms. Strengthen the back, shoulders and arms, especially the latissimus and biceps