Perform this exercise on a inclined weight bench (30 - 40 degrees) with racks for the barbell. Work out with a coach or spotter who can support you. Adjust the height of the rack to allow you to un-rack it without lifting your shoulders from the bench too much. Load the weight according to plan. Check where to place your hands for a medium-grip. This is slightly outside of the shoulders and will create a 90-degree angle in the middle of the movement between the forearms and the upper arms
Start Position
Hold the bar over your upper chest with straight arms. Pull the shoulders down and back into the bench
Bend the arms at the elbows to slowly bring the bar down. Concentrate on activating your chest muscles to make the movement slow and controlled
End Position
Bring the bar down until it touches the upper chest
Activate the chest muscles to push the bar back up
Back to the start position. Repeat for the planned number of times
Build a strong chest. Strength for a horizontal push. Strengthen the chest, arms, and shoulders, primarily pectoralis, triceps brachii, and deltoideus anterior. Focus on the upper chest