Learning From Other Sports and Training Cultures

Comparing sport and physical activity cultures around the world can obviously be of interest for social scientist. For practitioners interested in optimal training for their own discipline, it can be very useful too. The observation of different other sports disciplines and training communities and even more so the active interaction between their representatives can be a rewarding learning experience. International sport has traditionally always be seen as a way to build international friendship.

‘International Sport

The question is not whether international sport builds friendship. It does. The question that might be asked is why political officials, sports voyeurs, and other nonathletes directly or indirectly connected with international sports often choose to focus on the divisive political nature of international sport rather than on the athletic competition itself.

Unfortunately, it’s the competition among governments, not athletes, that impedes international friendship.’ Peter G. Vajda in the New York Times, AUG. 23, 1987.


Kurt Meinel (gest.) / Jürgen Krug / Günter Schnabel. Bewegungslehre. Sportmotorik. Abriss einer Theorie der Sportlichen Motorik unter pädagogischenm Aspekt. 12., ergänzte Auflage. Gesamtredaktion Günter Schnabel – Jürgen Krug, 1960 – 2015, Meyer & Meyer Verlag

Nicolas Salazar Sutil, Motion and Representation: The Language of Human Movement, 2015, MIT Press